Monday, November 9, 2009

Relief, Love, A good day, finally

Had a really good day today. Started off a bit stressful, I was a little late to my psychologist appointment, had to drive 2 hours to get there and the traffic had me tense. Once I got there he helped me calm down and the session went well.

Went to dinner with my husband after my appointment and we spent some quality time together for the first time in way too long. It was so nice. Just makes me realize what I'm trying to get better for, so we can have more moments/hours/days like this. We're becoming so much stronger for what we've been through. It all happens for a reason, we live, we learn. As hard as the hard times were, the good times are so worth it. Can't wait to have more.

Life is finally looking up. My hope has returned. I'm so dedicated to conquering this illness and achieving my goals and being completely happy. I'm so lucky to have him, and lucky that he understands and supports me. My heart is BURSTING right now.

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